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Carter Farm Agrihood is a first of its kind development on the Eastern Shore of Maryland that introduces innovative design elements and new home products. While these practices are being implemented around the country, some are new to this region. The developer has worked with the Town officials and their own project team to examine past and current conditions, and considered existing patterns to create a neighborhood that respects the present while also advancing best practices. A robust and transparent public approval process is also being undertaken by the Town with the developers engagement to ensure everyone has a voice that will lead to the best outcome both for present and future residents of Centreville.

Carter Farm Agrihood is a form of development that includes an array of sustainable development features and best practices. This type of development is being embraced by individuals and organizations around the world that value a low-impact, regenerative form of development where humans thrive while also fostering the health of surrounding ecosystems. This must all be done within an economic framework that makes sense and has long term viability. To learn more about a few concepts being advanced go to the links provided below.
- Agrihoods are organized communities that integrate agriculture to form a neighborhood. Urban Land Institute has done extensive research and case studies on this type of development.
- Smart Growth is a foundational element of sustainable design and development. Carter Farm is an infill site within an existing town which is where growth should be targeted.
- Carter Farm is a walkable community with a pedestrian friendly approach to the plan and easy, safe connections to services within town.
- Stormwater Best Management Practices are being applied to all aspects of how rainwater is contained, filtered, and reused to avoid runoff that would otherwise impact surrounding ecological systems.
- A clustered development plan limits the paved and covered areas of the site to increase areas for absorption of rainwater and green spaces for ecological and human health. Pocket Neighborhoods are fast becoming a form of this type of development that fosters “neighborliness”.
- Carter Farm Green Homes will be built to green building standards that reduce energy and water use, and provide healthy indoor environments.
The Carter Farm developers have been leading, teaching, and advocating for sustainable development for over 30 years through professional work and national affiliations. Letters of support and testimony at public forums is greatly welcomed and appreciated from others who agree this type of in-town, sustainable development is good for people, the ecology and the local economy.
The Carter Farm Agrihood development initiated the public approvals process in January 2021. Since that time, there have been multiple presentations, interviews and articles made available to the public. Upcoming meetings along with current versions of past materials will be made available here to ensure the public is kept informed as the project progresses. Please also go to the Town of Centreville web site for a posting of upcoming meetings.
Public Meetings
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings
“A conversation with Rebecca Flora” Queen Anne County TV (November 3, 2021)
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To learn more and find out how to further support Agrihoold please visit this page for updates. Please also contact us with your questions or to express in interest a presentation by experts to your organization.